Harris-Elmore Fire Department (HEFD) is a fully “volunteer” Fire Department with a EMS division staffed with full, part-time, and paid per call personnel.
Our volunteer/paid per call personnel receive a small stipend for attending training and answering calls. HEFD is responsible for the Fire/EMS protection of Harris Township, the village of Elmore, Benton Township, and covers a portion of the Ohio Turnpike. HEFD has multiple auto/mutual aid agreements with fire departments around the area.
Harris-Elmore operates out of one station in the Village of Elmore containing (2) Fire Engines, (1) Brush Truck, (1) Tanker, (2) ALS Ambulances, (2) Command vehicles, (1) HEXR unit, and (1) rescue boat.
The Harris-Elmore Fire Division meets on the first and third Monday nights for training and vehicle readiness checks.
321 Rice St, Elmore OH, 43416
Mon – Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm